We are dedicated to promoting sports and fostering a vibrant athletic community among universities in Ghana.

PHONE:          +233 24310 2322

E-MAIL:           [email protected]

ADDRESS:      P.O. Box 25 Legon, Accra Ghana


Code of Conduct


The benefits of interscholastic sports can be derived only when the participants demonstrate high standards of ethics and sportsmanship and deliberately promote the development of good character and other important life skills. This can be when participants are committed to pursuing victory with honour according to core principles like trustworthiness, respect, responsibility, fairness, caring, and good citizenship.

We, the participants and stakeholders of university sports in Ghana, are collectively and individually committed to promoting educational sports for the overall development of students—health, talent, character, leadership, and hard work. We are committed to doing this by creating opportunities for greater participation and positive experiences. To achieve this, we are committed to observing the following code of conduct, understanding that we shall hold ourselves to high standards of the code and be prepared to suffer the penalty when we fail.



Member Institutions of GUSA shall:

  1. Provide appropriate and adequate resources for sports participation.
  2. Engage qualified and sufficient personnel to handle sports.
  3. Promote gender equality in sports participation.
  4. Promote increased participation in disability sports.
  5. Promote talent development through recruitment, training, and opportunities to compete.
  6. Provide opportunities for mass participation in sports.
  7. Support sports persons to succeed in school.
  8. Motivate sports persons and coaches.
  9. Develop strategic programmes for sports development.
  10. Enhance coach quality through retraining.
  11. Place the health and safety of sports persons above all things.
  12. Place the overall development of sports persons above all things.
  13. Ensure that lecturers do not discourage student participation in sports.
  14. Make special arrangements to ensure that sports persons do not suffer unduly academically when they participate in sports.


  1. I shall try to the best of my ability to apprise myself of the best practices in coaching and use them in my work.
  2. I shall endeavour to regularly upgrade my knowledge and skills in coaching.
  3. I shall thoroughly prepare my athletes physically, technically, tactically, emotionally, and psychologically before competitions.
  4. I shall plan and implement appropriate training programmes for my athletes.
  5. I shall not expose my athletes to any untried methods and techniques of coaching and performance.
  6. I shall endeavour to use professionally acceptable language in communicating with all participants in sports.
  7. I shall avoid insulting, profane, degrading, disrespectful, and other uncivil words in my communication.
  8. I shall avoid the use of any body language that is disrespectful, insulting, or unacceptable in our society.
  9. I shall respect the privacy of my athletes.
  10. I shall not divulge any information I gather about my athlete to any other person(s) without the athlete’s consent, except as may be necessary in exceptional cases for the safety and well-being of the athlete in a situation where the athlete is not capable of giving consent.
  11. I shall endeavour to dress appropriately in my work as a coach or official, both on and off the field.
  12. I shall also expect and encourage my athletes to dress appropriately on and off the field.
  13. I shall respect the individuality and views of my athletes, colleagues, officials, and spectators.
  14. I shall use laid-down procedures in dealing with grievances and desist from insulting or speaking rudely to officials.
  15. I shall not act in any way that shows disrespect to officiating officials, even if I feel they are being unfair.
  16. I shall not openly criticise a match official even if I feel they are being unfair.
  17. I shall try to control myself even in the face of extreme provocation from another participant in sports.
  18. I shall not verbally or physically attack any other participant in sports.
  19. I shall not issue any threat against any participant in sports.
  20. I shall not encourage any athlete to verbally or physically attack any other participant in sports.
  21. I shall report to the appropriate quarters any athlete who verbally or physically attacks or shows disrespect towards any other participant in sports.
  22. I shall maintain a cordial but professional relationship with my athletes.
  23. I shall not engage in any amorous or inappropriate relationship with any of my athletes (with or without their consent).
  24. I shall not say or do anything to my colleagues and other participants that may constitute sexual harassment.
  25. I shall place the health and safety of my athletes above all things.
  26. I shall endeavour to ensure that my athletes train in a safe environment and not expose them to hazards of the weather.
  27. I shall try to the best of my ability to use the most appropriate equipment and facilities.
  28. I shall ensure that my athletes put on all the necessary safety gear in competition and training.
  29. I shall not take alcohol or other drugs while performing my duties or in contact with my athletes.
  30. I shall discourage my athletes from using performance-enhancing drugs and alcohol.
  31. I shall not indulge in any activity or behaviour that will endanger the health, safety, and well-being of other participants in sports.
  32. I shall endeavour to display a high sense of integrity in the discharge of my duties.
  33. I shall not do anything that amounts to cheating or attempting to cheat.
  34. I shall not do or say anything that puts sports or its participants into disrepute.
  35. I shall not use unqualified athletes.
  36. I shall not falsify or condone the falsification of an athlete’s records.
  37. I shall not use or attempt to use any dubious means of winning.
  38. I shall put health and safety considerations above the desire to win.
  39. I shall encourage my athletes to observe fair play.
  40. I shall not encourage my players to deliberately injure opponents in order to gain an advantage.
  41. I shall ensure that my athletes play by the rules of the sport.
  42. I shall try not to get angry with my athletes even when they do not win.
  43. I shall congratulate and encourage my athletes to congratulate the winners.
  44. I shall encourage my athletes not to taunt, tease, or deliberately provoke the losers.


I hereby agree that if I fail to conform my conduct to the foregoing while attending, coaching, officiating, or participating in university sports, I will be subject to disciplinary action, including but not limited to the following in any order or combination:

  1. Verbal warning issued by authorized person.
  2. Written warning issued by GUSA.
  3. Suspension and/or immediate ejection from the competition issued by GUSA.
  4. Suspension from multiple GUSA events issued by GUSA.
  5. Total ban from GUSA activities issued by GUSA.
  6. Reporting conduct of an official to his/her parent organization for further action.
  7. Paying for any damage done.
  8. Forfeiting allowances.

Name: ________________________
Signature: ________________________
Date: ________________________


  1. I am committed to ensuring that athletes play a fair game to allow the best team to win and for players and spectators to enjoy the game.
  2. I shall use only officially allowable means of communicating during officiating.
  3. I shall respect the individuality and views of athletes and colleagues.
  4. I shall apply the rules of the game to the best of my knowledge.
  5. I shall be fair in my interpretation and application of the rules of the sport.
  6. I shall recluse myself if my officiating has a potential for conflict of interest.
  7. I shall dress in the prescribed attire for officiating and dress appropriately when not officiating.
  8. I shall update myself frequently on the rules of the game.
  9. I shall seek clarification on new or unclear rules and their interpretation before officiating.
  10. I shall place the health and safety of athletes above all other things.
  11. I shall officiate with a high sense of integrity.
  12. I shall not demand or accept any favour from any person(s) that may influence my work as an official.
  13. I shall not accept anything from any person(s) that may be interpreted to mean a show of gratitude for unfair officiating.
  14. I shall report any attempt by any person(s) to influence me to officiate a match in their favour.
  15. I shall not try to compensate a team for any error I commit while officiating.
  16. I shall not be hard on a team that misbehaves beyond what is officially provided for in the rules of the game.
  17. I shall model fair play when officiating.
  18. I shall encourage athletes to show fair play in the game.
  19. I shall control myself even in the face of provocation from other participants.
  20. I shall not attempt to compensate one team when I make a mistake.

I hereby agree that if I fail to conform my conduct to the foregoing while attending, officiating, or participating in university sports, I will be subject to disciplinary action, including but not limited to the following in any order or combination:

  1. Verbal warning issued by authorized person.
  2. Written warning issued by GUSA.
  3. Suspension and/or immediate ejection from the competition issued by GUSA.
  4. Suspension from multiple GUSA events issued by GUSA.
  5. Total ban from GUSA activities issued by GUSA.
  6. Reporting conduct of an official to his/her parent organization for further action.
  7. Paying for any damage done.
  8. Forfeiting allowances.

Name: ________________________
Signature: ________________________
Date: ________________________


  1. I am committed to using sports for my overall development as a student—character, talent, education, health, etc.
  2. I am committed to participating in sports as a positive experience for me and all other participants.
  3. I shall endeavour to study during periods of training and competition.
  4. I shall take my studies seriously and treat it with utmost respect.
  5. I shall not ignore my academic obligations in the pursuit of sporting excellence.
  6. I shall do my best to abide by the rules of the game.
  7. I shall seek clarification on rules I do not understand.
  8. I shall endeavour to respect the rules of sports in all my interactions with other participants.
  9. I shall respect the individuality and views of other participants.
  10. I shall not engage in any form of bullying or harassment against other participants.
  11. I shall not do or say anything to provoke a participant into an act of disrespect or violence.
  12. I shall not encourage violence or disrespect towards others.
  13. I shall respect the health and safety of my fellow participants and shall strive to ensure that we all observe the relevant safety rules.
  14. I shall take responsibility for my own health and safety by using appropriate equipment and not exposing myself to unnecessary hazards.
  15. I shall not use unapproved equipment in competition or training.
  16. I shall not consume alcohol or any prohibited substances before or during sports events.
  17. I shall not use performance-enhancing drugs in sports.
  18. I shall not be dishonest in my conduct.
  19. I shall endeavour to win fairly.
  20. I shall not cheat in sports or in any other aspect of my life.
  21. I shall not tolerate or encourage cheating by my fellow students or athletes.
  22. I shall respect officiating officials and understand that they make mistakes.
  23. I shall congratulate my opponents after a match.
  24. I shall not insult or disrespect my opponents in victory or defeat.
  25. I shall avoid the use of abusive, profane, degrading, or disrespectful language when communicating with others.
  26. I shall avoid inappropriate and disrespectful gestures and body language in communicating with others.
  27. I shall discourage my teammates from unsportsmanlike behaviour and speak up against it.
  28. I shall show appreciation to all coaches, officials, and other volunteers who help to make my experience possible.
  29. I shall show respect and appreciation for those who support us in sports.
  30. I shall not criticize any participant in sports in any way that may undermine their confidence or diminish their skills.

I hereby agree that if I fail to conform my conduct to the foregoing while attending, officiating, or participating in university sports, I will be subject to disciplinary action, including but not limited to the following in any order or combination:

  1. Verbal warning issued by authorized person.
  2. Written warning issued by GUSA.
  3. Suspension and/or immediate ejection from the competition issued by GUSA.
  4. Suspension from multiple GUSA events issued by GUSA.
  5. Total ban from GUSA activities issued by GUSA.
  6. Reporting conduct of an official to his/her parent organization for further action.
  7. Paying for any damage done.
  8. Forfeiting allowances.

Name: ________________________
Signature: ________________________
Date: ________________________


  1. I am committed to supporting all participants in sports.
  2. I shall show respect and appreciation to all participants in sports.
  3. I shall conduct myself in a manner that shows respect for all participants.
  4. I shall create a positive atmosphere for all participants to flourish.
  5. I shall use appropriate language in communicating with others.
  6. I shall avoid insulting, profane, degrading, and disrespectful words in my communication.
  7. I shall avoid inappropriate and disrespectful gestures and body language in communicating with others.
  8. I shall not insult any participant in sports and shall not be a part of any group that insults or harasses participants.
  9. I shall not provoke or encourage violence against any participant.
  10. I shall not make any comments that insult the character of any participant.
  11. I shall not behave in a way that undermines the respect and dignity of any participant.
  12. I shall respect the decisions made by officials, even when I disagree.
  13. I shall show respect to officials and their decisions.
  14. I shall not act in a manner that brings the sport into disrepute.
  15. I shall show appreciation to all coaches, officials, and other volunteers who help to make our experience possible.
  16. I shall show respect and appreciation for those who support us in sports.

I hereby agree that if I fail to conform my conduct to the foregoing while attending, officiating, or participating in university sports, I will be subject to disciplinary action, including but not limited to the following in any order or combination:

  1. Verbal warning issued by authorized person.
  2. Written warning issued by GUSA.
  3. Suspension and/or immediate ejection from the competition issued by GUSA.
  4. Suspension from multiple GUSA events issued by GUSA.
  5. Total ban from GUSA activities issued by GUSA.
  6. Reporting conduct of an official to his/her parent organization for further action.
  7. Paying for any damage done.
  8. Forfeiting allowances.

Name: ________________________
Signature: ________________________
Date: ________________________